NYC Ferry relocation survey - choose B

Choose B on the NYC Ferry Survey!

Long Island City’s community board ranks 57th out of 59 in the city for percentage of park space, so it’s essential that we protect the high quality public spaces we do have.

As you may recall, last fall we worked with Council Member Julie Won, Queens Community Board 2, and members of the community to push back against a proposal to move the ferry stop in Hunter's Point South Park to along the boardwalk near the oval. EDC has responded to this pushback by releasing a survey, and Option B keeps the ferry very close to its current location. This preserves the view along the boardwalk, keeps the noise and exhaust from the ferry further from the oval where school groups and families play, and does not require any change in the current community patterns for people using the ferry. The ferry would be attached to the existing bulkhead, so no drilling in the riverbed would be required, limiting the environmental impact. We feel Option C is the best alternative to B.

Option A is located along the boardwalk, in an area that has already been rejected by community thanks to your help last fall, but EDC is pushing for that to be re-selected as the location so we need as many people as possible to respond in favor of Option B.

Option C, while it has some advantages, would require building a pier, which would likely take longer to complete as there are the remains of an old pier in the area already. Option D would require significant reworking of the walkways in the southern part of the park, meaning it would have an outsized impact.

We know our audience cares about the park, and would appreciate as many people as possible taking the survey to ensure Hunter's Point South Park remains welcoming and enjoyable for all. You can take the survey by clicking here, or learn about the project by visiting this site.